29 days today until we leave for paradise and the stress has really started to creep in quickly. I haven't felt this much pressure since my days working at Monster. As the days tick away I feel more and more stress piled upon me to get things done.
Moving has never stressed me out before, I'm a pro at packing up and moving houses/apartments. Having to sell, throw away, donate and store ALL of your belongings is a whole different story. Every item in our house needs to be designated its final resting place, I look around and just have no idea how I'm going to get it all done. We move out of our apartment in 2 weeks today, I need about 3 of me. "One thing at a time" says my mum.......Its a good mantra to have and I am trying to tackle one thing at a time.
A lot of things have to wait to be packed up until the few last days we have in our apartment. I keep telling myself "You could pack this house up in 1 day if you had to". I have done it before and I know I will make huge headway the 3 days before we move as Merric will be down at his Nana's.
We will be staying with Eric's mom for the 2 weeks before we leave, this will give us the extra time to have a garage sale for the bulk of our smaller items and wrap up loose ends.
I still cant believe that we are headed to Bali with just clothes. I wonder if it will be strange living without the familiar things in our home that I am used to? Family photos on the wall, candle holders that are cherished gifts, sentimental vases, my favorite duvet cover that I have slept with for years (I'm considering bringing it, its one of the hardest things for me to leave behind), not to mention my collection of clothing and shoes. This is huge for me as I am very attached to my belongings. I have worked very hard for everything I have bought. I guess this will be a good exercise in the end, this is my lesson on how to let go........................
I am so overwhelmed. Breathe just breathe. It will be all over soon.
Ship the Duvet!!!! You deserve the fucking duvet!